"e-commerce 3.0"

Yahoo Stores – Redesigned SaaS Ecommerce Platform by Yahoo

- E-Commerce

Yahoo has relaunched its Saas e-commerce platform called Stores. SaaS stands for software as a service. It is a special licensing and delivery model for software in which it is licensed on a subscription basis and hosted centrally. Redesigned Yahoo Stores makes it significantly easier for businesses to get online; provides mobile first e-commerce; brings forward the date of the first sale, and is enough resizable to support growing ecommerce web-stores.

yahoo stores

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Best Mobile Payment Solutions in 2014

- E-Commerce

mobile paymentMobile technologies are integrated into almost every aspect of modern business. You can not only buy something and pay for it with the help of your smartphone, you can also accept credit cards on it and, furthermore, turn your device into a point-of-sale system for your business. If you are looking for modern payment options aimed at the integration of you business with mobile technologies, this post is for you.

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Mobile e-commerce in 2015

- E-Commerce

mobile e-commerceMobile branch of e-commerce is constantly growing. It plays very important role not only in infrastructure of online stores but it gradually becomes one of the major sales tool for multichannel stores. In November 2013 Google posted through Think Insights that in USA average consumer spends about 15 hours a week looking for products on smartphone or tablet. About 93 percent of such consumer make a purchase, if the desired item is found, of course. As you can see, it is very important to provide the ability to reach the store from mobile device. There are three major strategies for Mobile e-commerce in 2014: native apps, HTML5, CSS or JavaScript, and mobile web.

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Magento Go is dead

- E-Commerce

Unfortunately we have to inform you, that Magento Go is almost dead. Yes, Magento decided to close the project. Cloud-based eCommerce solution with all the web hosting features was launched in the beginning of 2011. The project was created in order to support different small businesses, and it has no need to install software. However, it has the ability to install extensions for extra functionality. Unlike Community and Enterprise editions, Magento Go was hosted by Magento itself. And now we can witness the end of Magento Go and the same is true to ProStores.

magento go dead

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The Best Android & iOS Apps for Magento

There are a lot of Android and iOS applications for Magento. Some of them are designed to work with products, the other help you to control your Magento orders. There are also complicated tools which provide almost full access to the Magento Admin. In this post you will find all of them. The list of the best Android and iOS apps designed to manage your Magento Store on your finger tips is ready and waiting for you.

magento android ios

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Sellvana – a new open source eCommerce platform

- E-Commerce

Sellvana vs MagentoSellvana is a new open source eCommerce platform, which is minimalistic in both the code and the structure. It works on Fulleron – the own PHP Framework. The framework is used to define structure, events, mvc logic, etc. Minimalism and simplicity are also dominant features of the database structure. App is divided into few logical areas: admin, frontend, cron, api. The System of Sellvana is modular. Each function is represented with a separate module with all the necessary stuff within one folder: views, models, javascripts and data. All the components are triggered through main manifest file and main class. Moreover, every module can be turned off.

Sellvana vs Magento UPD (16.04.2014): A brand new marketplace is coming soon

UPD (02.05.2014): Introduction to Sellvana Module Development Webinar 

UPD (10.07.2014): Sellvana Theming Webinar 

UPD (12.06.2015): Sellvana Public Alpha has been released

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E-Commerce: Upgrading to 3.0

- E-Commerce

E-Commerce 3.0E-сommerce is gradually updating to version 3.0. What does it mean? What were the previous versions? And what are the features of the new one? In this post, we will try give the answers to these questions. The formation of e-commerce can be conditionally divided into three stages. The process itself is still unfinished, and e-commerce is going to get a lot of new forms and updates in the next couple of years. Some of them are obvious (like appearance of gamification and integration into mobile devices) while others are still unpredictable, but we can state with the confidence that all this changes are key elements of e-commerce 3.0 and further versions. For the better understanding of the stage as a particular and the phenomena as a whole, let’s start with versions 1.0 and 2.0.

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