Introduction to Magento Solution Specialist Certification (MCSS)

- E-Commerce

Magento Certified Solution SpecialistThe first business-oriented certification program by Magento was announced! This great event took place at Imagine Conference, and now everyone can try his or her best in The Magento Solution Specialist Certification. Being a Magento Certified Solution Specialist (MCSS) gives you a status of an expert user of Magento platform. This also means that you can reach different business goals with Magento, optimize it and avoid unnecessary problems. Your MCSS status will always speak for itself. As a result you will increase your value and income, gain additional knowledge and get the right to use Magento Certification logo on your Resume or CV.

To get the MCSS you have to be fluent in the following topics: eCommerce, which takes 13% of all tasks;  Magento Architecture – 27%; elements and structure of Magento eCommerce site – 35%; and applying Magento in achieving the business objectives – 25%. The target audience of Magento Solution Specialist Certification includes project managers, eСommerce consultants, business analysts, UX designers, developers and all the other Magento platform users.

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The Best Android & iOS Apps for Magento

There are a lot of Android and iOS applications for Magento. Some of them are designed to work with products, the other help you to control your Magento orders. There are also complicated tools which provide almost full access to the Magento Admin. In this post you will find all of them. The list of the best Android and iOS apps designed to manage your Magento Store on your finger tips is ready and waiting for you.

magento android ios

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Magento vs BigCommerce vs Lemonstand

- E-Commerce

BigCommerce and Magento Community Edition are two different implementations of one solution. Both variants are good, but each of them has some special features. Thus, Magento and BigCommerce have slightly different target audience. With both Magento and BigCommerce you can create a stunning look for your brand and e-commerce shop, but BigCommerce has some restrictions on different interface elements placement.

bigcommerce vs magento

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Magento vs OpenCart vs Prestashop

- E-Commerce

magento vs prestashop vs opencartPrestaShop is a free and open source solution for e-commerce stores. Among its supported payment gateways are DirecPay, Authorize.Net, Google Checkout, Skrill and, of course, PayPal. The system contains over 250 features and more than 1000 add-ons for different areas of activity. The main features of PrestaShop are:

  • unlimited product inventory management

  • multi-store management

  • fully customizable templates

  • promotion rules

  • layered navigation

  • unlimited currencies

  • reporting and analytics Continue Reading

Sellvana – a new open source eCommerce platform

- E-Commerce

Sellvana vs MagentoSellvana is a new open source eCommerce platform, which is minimalistic in both the code and the structure. It works on Fulleron – the own PHP Framework. The framework is used to define structure, events, mvc logic, etc. Minimalism and simplicity are also dominant features of the database structure. App is divided into few logical areas: admin, frontend, cron, api. The System of Sellvana is modular. Each function is represented with a separate module with all the necessary stuff within one folder: views, models, javascripts and data. All the components are triggered through main manifest file and main class. Moreover, every module can be turned off.

Sellvana vs Magento UPD (16.04.2014): A brand new marketplace is coming soon

UPD (02.05.2014): Introduction to Sellvana Module Development Webinar 

UPD (10.07.2014): Sellvana Theming Webinar 

UPD (12.06.2015): Sellvana Public Alpha has been released

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Improved robots.txt – fully optimised correct robots.txt for Magento

- Our extensions

robots.txt magentoCorrect Magento robots.txt – it’s absolutely main first feature for right Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) of you Magento store. Robots.txt it’s file located in you site root that say to search engines bots/robots how index you site, what pages must be indexed and what – no. Magento it’s very complicated system and have complicated folders and URL structure, this why it’s not easy create correct robot.txt for Magento with not lose any important pages but in same not add trash pages to search engine index. Improved robots.txt it’s right way for build correct SEO for you Magento store and push to search engines index only right pages of you store!

With Improved robots.txt you get world most advanced, optimised and Magento specific robots.txt for you store! In improved robots.txt we provide all our experience in Magnto development and SEO for you can easy get best basis for you Magento SEO!

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CloudFlare® – must have performance & security solution for you Magento store. Control for CloudFlare® Magento extension.

- Our extensions

cloudflare magentoCloudFare is the world best CDN, DNS service made for huge performance improvement and security of your Magento store! If your store is a part of the CloudFlare® network, your domain web traffic is routed through CloudFlare® smart worldwide network. CloudFlare® makes auto optimization of web pages delivery, so your visitors get faster page load and amazing performance. Such changes affects customers loyalty – being more satisfied with your E-Commerce store performance, they will be more loyal to your business. CloudFlare® also takes care about advanced security and DDoS protection of your Magento store – it blocks threats and limits abusive bots and crawlers from spent website bandwidth and server resources. To summarize the significance of CloudFlare® we should say, that it takes care about two most important things from any Magento store – performance & security!  With CloudFlare® control Magento extension you can control main features of CloudFlare® directly from your Magento admin page. Control for CloudFlare® extension supports all the main methods of CloudFlare® API. You can save a lot of time working with CloudFlare® settings directly from Magento backend, so this is a must have extension for any Magento store what use CloudFlare.

Upgrade to recent CloudFlare API v4 ( now in progress – show IP list and update snapshot features not works temporary. We offer free upgrade for all customers – you can purchase now and use all main features already!


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