Magento Connect Stuff Picks extensions (summer 2014)

- Magento tips & tricks

magento connect best extensions

Magento Connect Stuff Picks includes 3 pages of both free and paid extensions. WordPress integration, one page checkout, social marketing apps, taxes, shopping, different reports and a bunch of new features are among them. Magento Connect Stuff Picks extensions were carefully selected by Magento team, so they are the most useful, interesting or unusual solutions for your e-commerce webstore.

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Mobile e-commerce in 2015

- E-Commerce

mobile e-commerceMobile branch of e-commerce is constantly growing. It plays very important role not only in infrastructure of online stores but it gradually becomes one of the major sales tool for multichannel stores. In November 2013 Google posted through Think Insights that in USA average consumer spends about 15 hours a week looking for products on smartphone or tablet. About 93 percent of such consumer make a purchase, if the desired item is found, of course. As you can see, it is very important to provide the ability to reach the store from mobile device. There are three major strategies for Mobile e-commerce in 2014: native apps, HTML5, CSS or JavaScript, and mobile web.

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Magento Go is dead

- E-Commerce

Unfortunately we have to inform you, that Magento Go is almost dead. Yes, Magento decided to close the project. Cloud-based eCommerce solution with all the web hosting features was launched in the beginning of 2011. The project was created in order to support different small businesses, and it has no need to install software. However, it has the ability to install extensions for extra functionality. Unlike Community and Enterprise editions, Magento Go was hosted by Magento itself. And now we can witness the end of Magento Go and the same is true to ProStores.

magento go dead

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PHPNG – future of PHP

- E-Commerce

magento phpngPHPNG is a new branch of PHP development. It aims to bring better memory usage efficiency and performance. PHPNG is focused on PHP’s VM Zend Engine. PHPNG aims to provide the maximum performance for current applications by rebuilding internal structures of PHP. Existing structure leads to the next time expenditures: 20% of time are used for tasks of memory manager, 10%  – for hash tables, 30%  – for call internal functions and only 30% – for execution in virtual machine. PHPNG can do a 10-30% execution speed improvement by changing this structure. Also it leads to some memory savings.

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Upgrade to Magento Community 1.9 (by SSH)

- Magento tips & tricks

Magento Community Edition has ben released. It contains multiple improvements over older versions. is a major release , so it’s very important not to miss it. In this post we will show you how to upgrade from previous Magento version to the new one. Don’t forget to try Magento CE upgrade in a test environment. The operation is not risky, but there is always a chance to break something.

upgrade magento to 1.9

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Best Magento Development Companies – the most reliable sources to improve or build your Magento store

magento developers In this post you can find information about the best Magento extensions developmend studios. There are a lot of different companies specialised in Magento development. Some of them produce free products, another – paid. The quality and the purpose of their modules also differ. For every company we did a short review, based on information from the web. Few best extensions are also included.

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Introduction to Magento Solution Specialist Certification (MCSS)

- E-Commerce

Magento Certified Solution SpecialistThe first business-oriented certification program by Magento was announced! This great event took place at Imagine Conference, and now everyone can try his or her best in The Magento Solution Specialist Certification. Being a Magento Certified Solution Specialist (MCSS) gives you a status of an expert user of Magento platform. This also means that you can reach different business goals with Magento, optimize it and avoid unnecessary problems. Your MCSS status will always speak for itself. As a result you will increase your value and income, gain additional knowledge and get the right to use Magento Certification logo on your Resume or CV.

To get the MCSS you have to be fluent in the following topics: eCommerce, which takes 13% of all tasks;  Magento Architecture – 27%; elements and structure of Magento eCommerce site – 35%; and applying Magento in achieving the business objectives – 25%. The target audience of Magento Solution Specialist Certification includes project managers, eСommerce consultants, business analysts, UX designers, developers and all the other Magento platform users.

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The Best Android & iOS Apps for Magento

There are a lot of Android and iOS applications for Magento. Some of them are designed to work with products, the other help you to control your Magento orders. There are also complicated tools which provide almost full access to the Magento Admin. In this post you will find all of them. The list of the best Android and iOS apps designed to manage your Magento Store on your finger tips is ready and waiting for you.

magento android ios

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Magento vs BigCommerce vs Lemonstand

- E-Commerce

BigCommerce and Magento Community Edition are two different implementations of one solution. Both variants are good, but each of them has some special features. Thus, Magento and BigCommerce have slightly different target audience. With both Magento and BigCommerce you can create a stunning look for your brand and e-commerce shop, but BigCommerce has some restrictions on different interface elements placement.

bigcommerce vs magento

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