"Out of Stock"

How to Export Out-of-Stock Products from Shopware 6

- Our extensions, Shopware

Shopware 6 import and export application

Shopware 6 only lets you export all products. But what if you need to output products that are out of stock? For instance, you want to re-stock these items and need to apply a quantity update to them. By default, you need to export all products and then work with a huge table to apply the desired changes. Alternatively, you can use the Improved Import, Export, and Mass Actions app. It thoroughly revamps standard data transfers, introducing filters to Shopware 6 export. This feature provides the ability to export out-of-stock products from Shopware 6. You can transfer these items to your Google Drive or even Google Sheets. Let’s see how it works, and don’t forget to go over our Shopware Cookbook for other helpful hints. Continue Reading

How to Change Stock Status in Magento 2 Import When “is_in_stock” Is Missing

- Magento 2, Our extensions

You can easily change a product stock status in Magento 2 automatically by importing the update straight to your e-commerce website. But what if the “is_in_stock” column is missing or doesn’t contain any values? Use Improved Import & Export. Provide the update, and the extension will recreate “is_in_stock” values following the corresponding “qty” values automatically. So, when is_in_stock is missing in the import table, there is no need to create additional files or apply changes to the import table. Let’s see how to change a product stock status in Magento 2 when “is_in_stock” data is absent. Follow our Developer’s Cookbook for more useful tips on Magento 2. Continue Reading

How to import products to Magento 2 and set their status to Out of Stock automatically

- Magento 2, Our extensions

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

Chances are, you import products to Magento 2 but their status doesn’t change to ‘out of stock’ if the imported quantity is 0. It may look confusing or cause issues in other processes that require this information. However, there is a way to address this issue without editing your data files or applying stock status changes manually. Below, we explain how to import products with 0 quantity to Magento 2 and set their status to ‘Out of Stock’ automatically. You will need the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension and a couple of minutes.  Continue Reading