Magento 2 MSI User Guide: How to Import & Export Magento 2 MSI (Multi Source Inventory)

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 MSI User Guide

This Magento 2 MSI user guide briefly explains the platform’s multi-source inventory functionality and then focuses on the Magento 2 MSI import and export. Magento 2.3 came out with the long-awaited Multi-Source Inventory (MSI) support. The feature is available right after you install the Magento 2 MSI module. Although the extension dramatically improves the basic experience associated with inventory management, it still lacks various vital functionalities, especially in data synchronization. Luckily, you can always address the existing issues with the help of third-party solutions. Regarding the Magento 2 MSI module and data transfers, the Improved Import & Export extension and its MSI add-on are at your service. 

In this blog post, you will learn how to import and export all Magento 2 MSI entities: sources and quantity of the products per source. Firstly, we describe the MSI module and explain how to install it. After that, you will find out what to do with the MSI add-on of the Improved Import & Export extensionNext, we focus on the Magento 2 MSI import. The article explores the CSV formatting of MSI entities used in Magento 2. You will learn how the stock sources MSI table works and what to do with the stock sources qty MSI tableThe last chapter of this Magento 2 MSI import/export guide describes how MSI source import/export works

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FireBear MSI Add-On of Improved Import & Export for Magento 2 – extension Change Log

Improved Import & Export for Magento 2
MSI add-on Manual | Improved Import Manual | Demo | Sample Files

MSI Add-on is an add-on of Improved Import & Export extension, and only works with the Improved Import extension installed. You can download MSI Add-on from your Firebear Studio account for FREE when Improved Import & Export is purchased.

1.1.4 (released 10.05.2023)


  • Pickup Location attributes were added to sync.
  • Support for Magento 2.4.6.
  • Source Qty import speed improvement.


  • Fixed the issue when sources are not deleted with the Delete behavior.
  • Fixed the issue with importing integer product SKUs.
  • Fixed the problem when import logs were not displayed during source qty import.
  • Prevent the default source from being deleted.

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Magento 2 Roadmap (2020)

- Magento 2

Magento 2 Roadmap 2017

Since there is no official Magento 2 roadmap, we’ve decided to create our own. Below, you will find Magento release roadmap that contains plans and features that have been already mentioned by the Magento team or other trusted sources. We will try to gather all the latest information about Magento 2 updates here, so get ready to see how the popular ecommerce platform will change in the nearest future.

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Magento 2 Multi Source Inventory (MSI)

- Fire development, Magento 2

Magento 2 multi Store Inventory

The following article sheds light on a new important enhancement to our favorite e-commerce platform – Magento 2 Multi Source Inventory. The project will be available for the Open Source (Community) edition by the end of 2018, so it’s time to say a few words about its nature, goals, benefits, and usability.

What is the meaning of the multi source inventory functionality of Magento 2? Behind this term, you will discover a huge improvement to the Magento core that introduces the ability to connect multiple inventory sources to your e-commerce store. Note that you not only link them together but also leverage an algorithm of selection that chooses a warehouse or a physical store depending on various conditions to make the delivery as much efficient as possible.

Of course, such functionality also enables some advanced drop shipping opportunities, so does it mean that a huge part of multi source and drop shipping modules will become useless with the release of Magento 2.3 that tends to be the first version with the built-in multi source capabilities? We will try to provide the answer below. Continue Reading