"magento 2"

How to Generate constructors in Magento 2

- Magento 2

Magento 2 Development

Because of Dependency Injection pattern Magento 2 have huge constructors for every class. World best PHP IDE PHP Storm can help you generate constructors and save lots of time in Magento 2 development.

With constructor generator you will be able to create constructors with arguments, with the value assigned to the field variables. Continue Reading

How to get a base url in Magento 2

- Magento 2

Magento 2 Development

To get a URL from your Magento root directory, use getUrl. Since it inherits from the AbstractBlock class (Magento\Framework\View\Element\AbstractBlock), you are able to use it with any of your blocks. Check the below example:

The first parameter is the path you need, while the second one sets the _secure option if the user is browsing over https. You can add to the path by concatenating a specific filename onto the getUrl call or you could add it to the first parameter as well. Please note that the path is relative to the root directory of your Magento install.

More tips from Magento 2 Developer’s Cookbook

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Magento 2 Redis Configuration

- Magento 2

using redis with magento 2

Below, I shed light on a proper Redis configuration for Magento 2. If you are not familiar with the solution, it is an advanced key-value cache with top notch performance. In addition, Redis is often considered to be a data structure server, which provides the following opportunities:

  • value incrementation in a hash;
  • appending to a string;
  • pushing an element to a list;
  • set intersection, union and difference computing;
  • getting a sorted set of members with the highest ranking. Continue Reading

Magento 2 Nginx Configuration

- Magento 2


Nginx is a reverse proxy server for different protocols, such as HTTPSHTTP,  POP3SMTP, and IMAP, as well as an HTTP cache, a load balancer,  and an origin web server. Being an open source project, Nginx has been started with a strong focus on high performance, high concurrency,  and low usage of memory. Nginx runs on Mac OS XLinux, BSD variants, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, and other *nix flavors. In addition, you can find a proof of concept port for Windows. The project is licensed under the 2-clause BSD-like license, and below we will shade light on Magento 2 Nginx Configuration.

Everything about Magento 2 on Firebear

Magento 2 Demo

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Magento 2 Video Tutorials

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2During the last 5 years, Magento became the leading online business solution. With 4+ million downloads, it is now a synonym to “e-commerce“. The new version is on the way, so you should be prepared for the new era of online trade. In this article, we gathered the most important video tutorials about Magento 2.0.

The Real Magento Community

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The Ultimate Magento 2 Developer Resource List

Everything about Magento 2 on Firebear

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Magento 2 Modular System

- Magento 2

Magento 2 consists of several types of components: themes, modules, libraries, language packages. The Framework of Magento provides a set of core logic; libraries, PHP code, and base concepts inherited by all the components of the system.

Modules and themes of Magento 2 are used as customization units: modules provide business features, and themes provides look-and-feel features. Both modules and features have their own lifecycle, so they can be installed, disabled or deleted.

Modules can both depend on and relate to each other in different ways. At the same time, they should be independent enough to maximum flexibility for the site customization. In addition to the definition new business features, modules also define the user interface for those features. As a result modules interact with themes.

Magento 2 Modular System

Everything about Magento 2 on Firebear

Magento 2  Demo

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Модульная система Magento 2

- Magento 2

Magento состоит из нескольких различных компонентов: тем, модулей, библиотек, пакетов языков. Фреймворк Magento включает в себя библиотеки, PHP код и различные базовые концепции, которые наследуются компонентами системы.

Модули и темы в Magento используются в качестве элементов кастомизации: модули наделяют сайт разными особенностями и свойствами, темы влияют на внешний вид. Как у модулей, так и у тем есть свой жизненный цикл, который позволяет устанавливать, отключать и удалять эти элементы.

модульная система magento 2

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