Monthly Archives: January 2022

How To Set Up A Shopware Store In A Foreign Language

- E-Commerce, Shopware

We’ve already touched upon the topic of setting up a Shopware website. Various basic aspects of this complex process are covered here: Getting Started With The Platform. And it’s not a secret that Shopware provides the ability to expand your business internationally. You can add a localized shop for each country to showcase your brand. But how to set up a Shopware store in a foreign language? Download the latest Shopware version and follow the instructions provided in this article. Continue Reading

How To Reset Admin Password in Shopware

- E-Commerce, Shopify

The following article explains how to reset the admin password in Shopware 6. That may be necessary if you have forgotten your password and need to regain access to the admin. Currently, there are two ways to do that: more user-friendly and more complicated. Both are described below. Other useful tips on working with the platform are available here: Shopware Cookbook. Continue Reading

Shopware 6 SQL Guide

- E-Commerce, Shopware

Below, you will learn how to manage your Shopware data with the help of SQL. We describe what SQL queries to use to delete products, properties, customer data, and orders in Shopware 6. Also, you will find out how to disable extensions, customize database collation, and restore the default customer group in Shopware 6 using SQL. In addition to this Shopware 6 SQL guide, you can find other Shopware 6 tutorials in our cookbook. Continue Reading

Shopware 6 Troubleshooting Guide

- E-Commerce, Shopware

In this Shopware 6 troubleshooting guide, we explore the most common errors associated with the use of extensions in Shopware 6. You will learn what issues usually occur when you call the Plugin Manager or add a plugin and how to fix Shopware 6 errors. We depict the respective messages and their causes as well as provide channels to get support.  We post other useful tips on how to work with your e-commerce website here: Shopware Cookbook. Continue Reading

How to Access Source Code in Shopware

- E-Commerce, Shopware

Let’s assume that you have a Shopware website and need to access its source code. Perhaps, you just need to see how HTML and CSS elements are organized or want to reach something more complex. Unfortunately, it is impossible to do that in your administration. However, there is another way to access the source code in Shopware. Below, we describe the most simple approach. You can find other useful tips in our cookbook for Shopware.   Continue Reading