"Tax Rates"

Exploring Shopware: Tax Settings in Shopware 6

- E-Commerce, Shopware

What are the core requirements for extending your e-commerce business abroad? First of all, it is the support for multiple languages and currencies. However, there is one more vital factor. Your website should cope with foreign legislation in general and taxes in particular. And Shopware 6 perfectly suits this demand. It lets you create different tax rates for your products and assign them to countries. In the following article, we shed light on where the Shopware 6 tax settings are situated. After that, you will find out how to manage the existing tax rates as well as add new tax rates in Shopware 6.
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Exploring Magento 2 Backend: Import/Export Tax Rates

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

magento 2 tax rates import export

Tax rate management in Magento 2 is quite a straightforward process if you conduct business locally. However, when you expand and start operating in several states with different legislation, not to mention international operations, manual tax rates entering becomes hugely time-consuming. What alternative opportunity does Magento 2 offer? By default, the platform has a separate screen where you can import all the necessary tax rates, preliminarily downloading them by ZIP code. In the following material, we explore how to transfer a set of tax rates back and forth and talk about an alternative solution.  Continue Reading