How to replace LESS CSS Preprocessor with SASS or another one in Magento 2

- Magento 2

Magento 2 Development

In Magento 2, the LESS PHP adapter is located in \lib\internal\Magento\Framework\View\Page\Config\Renderer, and you can easily replace it with another one (SASS for instance) by updating the following lines of code in the di.xml configuration:

More tips from Magento 2 Developer’s Cookbook

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The Best CSS Preprocessors

- Fire development

Less and Sass

Unfortunately, CSS has a number of limitations. It can easily become a mess of overrides and repetitions. At the same time, the simplicity of CSS often hinders the development process. The solution of this problem comes from CSS preprocessors. They add many useful features that are unavailable in CSS from the beginning. The most popular solutions are SASS and LESS. There are a lot of significant differences between them, but first of all we’re going to look how CSS preprocessors work in general. Continue Reading