"Magento 2 Developer’s Cookbook"

How to Import Products with ™ & ® Symbols in Magento 2?

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

The following article is based on the StackExchange question by Ronak. The author has products with symbols like ™ and ® which should be used in any case.  If you try to import products to Magento 2 with the following symbols, but the system displays the “General system exception happened” error on “Check Data”, you’ve come to the right place. Below, we shed light on the problem. Continue Reading

Magento 2 setup:upgrade & Other Commands

- Fire development, Magento 2

Magento 2 Development; Magento 2 tutorial

The following post will help you optimise your daily routine with Magento 2. If you are using  “bin/magento setup:upgrade too often, you’ve come to the right place. Below, we shed light on when to use the command. There are multiple situations when it is not necessary to spend your time on setup:upgrade. Continue Reading