"event logs"

Exploring Shopware: Event Logs in Shopware 6

- E-Commerce, Shopware

All things that happen within your Shopware 6 administration never fly under the radar. Shopware carefully records all actions that take place in the backend. Thus, you can carefully monitor all these processes and find out the reason for any outcome. As you’ve probably guessed already, we explore Shopware 6 event logs today. It is a separate screen in settings that displays all actions associated with backend activities. However, the feature is exclusively available to users of self-hosted stores. If you run a website in a Shopware 6 Cloud environment, skip this article. If you use the self-hosted version of Shopware 6, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s see what Shopware 6 event logs are, where to find them, and how to manage the corresponding section of settings. We explore the Shopware 6 event logs screen including event log details.   Continue Reading