"Delivery Times"

Exploring Shopware: Delivery Times in Shopware 6

- E-Commerce, Shopware

It is always essential to inform your customers about all the nuances of their purchases, and the delivery date is not an exception. The more accurate it is, the more satisfied your customers are. In the following article, we describe the delivery times of Shopware 6. It is a separate section of settings available in the administration. The platform lets you notify your prospects about a period used to deliver the desired items. As a store administrator, you get the ability to add new delivery times for Shopware 6, edit and delete the existing intervals, or assign the created periods to products. It is even possible to configure the delivery date display in a shopping cart. In the following article, you will learn how to master all these aspects. So, let’s see what Shopware 6 delivery times are.
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