Everything You Need To Know About E-Commerce Total Cost of Ownership

- E-Commerce

E-commerce TCO

The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of e-commerce has become increasingly important in recent years, especially during a crisis. As businesses seek to stay afloat, TCO is a crucial factor in decision-making when investing in new technology and infrastructure for online sales. In the following article, we define what TCO is and describe its place in an average e-commerce model. You will learn the difference between the in-house and outsourced e-commerce TCO and their relation to open source and SaaS models. After that, we explain how to calculate the e-commerce Total Cost of Ownership. The last chapter explains why TCO is especially important in critical times for companies to understand the full financial impact of their investments and to assess the long-term benefits that e-commerce can bring. So, by carefully considering the e-commerce Total Cost of Ownership, businesses can take vital new steps in optimizing their investment and ensuring success in the competitive e-commerce landscape, but what exactly is TCO? Continue Reading