
How To Update Shopware 6 Through Shell

- E-Commerce, Shopware

In the following article, we shed light on how to upgrade your Shopware 6 website to the latest version through the shell. Please, pay heed to the fact that every Shopware update falls within the ambit of experienced specialists already familiar with the challenge. If you already have such skills or want to gain them within the test environment, you’ve come to the right place. Below, we shed light upon the key prerequisites necessary for every update. You will learn to secure your Shopware 6 update and maintain the extension compatibility. After that, we proceed to the upgrade procedure in the shell. It consists of the following steps: unzip the update and provide it to the system, execute and complete the update, flush caches, validate changes, and update the extensions. So, let’s run through the preparations and see how to update Shopware 6 in the shell. You can find more materials about the platform in our Cookbook.   Continue Reading