"Search Terms"

Guide to Magento 2 Search Terms & Search Synonyms: Management, Import & Export Recomendations

- E-Commerce, Magento 2, Our extensions

Magento 2 Search Terms & Search Synonyms

Today, we are going to explore two tightly connected topics – Magento 2 search terms and Magento 2 search synonyms. The platform lets you optimize customer search queries by composing lists of search terms and search synonyms. While it is possible to manage them manually in your admin, you cannot import Magento search terms. And there is no way to import search synonyms to Magento 2 with the help of the platform’s built-in instruments. This limitation may negatively impact the productivity of backend administrators since they need to spend a considerable amount of time updating Magento 2 search terms and synonyms instead of transferring the necessary data within a few clicks.

However, there is a tool that unlocks the missing functionality. Meet the Improved Import & Export extension. This module empowers you to import and export search terms and search synonyms to Magento 2. Below, we explain how to use the tool to transfer the corresponding entities to and from your e-commerce website. You will learn how import and export processes work and what attributes are involved in the import and export of search terms and search synonyms. But before going any further, let’s see what Magento 2 search terms and search synonyms are. 
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Magento 2 Backend Exploration: SEO & Search

- E-Commerce, Magento 2, Our extensions

Magento 2 URL rewrites search synonyms terms

Below, we continue our exploration of the Marketing area situated in the Magento 2 backend. The following article sheds light on the SEO & Search section, which includes the following screens: URL Rewrites, Search Terms, Search Synonyms, and Site Map. Below, we show how to work with each one. You will find out how to add new URL rewrites, search terms/synonyms, and site maps. Besides, the article describes how to import/export all the related data Continue Reading

How to Import & Export Search Terms in Magento 2

- E-Commerce, Magento 2, Our extensions

Magento 2 Search Terms Import & Export

It’s not a secret that Magento 2 has lots of limitations. The community and its developers are trying to make the platform better with each new release, but there is still a room for improvement. As passionate Magento developers, we not only know about key bottlenecks and lacking opportunities, we try to fix them. The following article explains how to import and export search terms in Magento 2. This functionality is not available by default, but soon you will find out how to get the missing feature working on your e-commerce store. Continue Reading