"requisition lists"

Magento 2 B2B Requisition List Guide: How to Manage & Import Requisition Lists in Magento 2

Magento 2 B2B Requisition List Import guide

In the following article, we explain what a requisition list of Magento 2 is – a feature exclusively available in Adobe Commerce with B2B extension only. Besides, we describe the Magento 2 requisition list functionality and provide several small tutorials on managing this type of content. Next, we shed light on how to import and export Magento 2 B2B requisition list data. Since you cannot freely transfer B2B entities in Magento with its default tools, you need a third-party tool and a CSV file prepared according to specific requirements. We offer a solution that works best for the requisition list import to Magento 2. You will also find a sample CSV with all the necessary attributes and a table that defines all the Magento 2 B2B requisition list columns below, but let’s define Magento 2 requisition lists first and then gradually proceed to other sections of this guide. Continue Reading