
HTTP/2 – The Future Of The Internet

- Fire development

HTTP/2, Magento 2, 1.X

Being the second key version of the popular network protocol, HTTP/2  is its first update since 1.1 standardized in 1997. Although you might have thought it is a total rewrite of the protocol, the focus of HTTP/2 is on improvements related to performance: its goal is to reduce latency experienced by end users as well as resource consumption, while familiar methods, codes, and semantics remain the same. Moreover, HTTP/2 provides the ability to utilize familiar APIs for the protocol representation. Now, most major browsers as well as 2.3% of the top 10 million sites support HTTP/2. As for Magento, you can implement HTTP/2 benefits within the platform with CloudFlare. Below, we will show, how to achieve this goal, but let’s find out major goals and key features of HTTP/2 first. Continue Reading