"Cache crawler/warmer"

Full Page Cache Warmers/Crawlers for Magento 2

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 cache crawlers warmers

A single Magento full page cache is not enough to leverage the full capacity of your FPC solution (if it is not PotatoCommerce FPC that includes warmer by default). It is necessary to add a full page warmer/crawler to the system. This was true in case of Magento 1, and, despite full page cache is now a part of Magento 2, nothing changed, since no Magento cache warmer is available on the platform by default. Therefore, we’d like to draw your attention to the best full page cache crawlers/warmers for Magento 2. Such extensions crawl your website to ensure that all its pages are fresh and load as fast as possible. As a result, visitors get the most relevant content at the highest possible speed. Continue Reading