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Best Mobile Payment Solutions in 2014

- E-Commerce

mobile paymentMobile technologies are integrated into almost every aspect of modern business. You can not only buy something and pay for it with the help of your smartphone, you can also accept credit cards on it and, furthermore, turn your device into a point-of-sale system for your business. If you are looking for modern payment options aimed at the integration of you business with mobile technologies, this post is for you.

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Mobile e-commerce in 2015

- E-Commerce

mobile e-commerceMobile branch of e-commerce is constantly growing. It plays very important role not only in infrastructure of online stores but it gradually becomes one of the major sales tool for multichannel stores. In November 2013 Google posted through Think Insights that in USA average consumer spends about 15 hours a week looking for products on smartphone or tablet. About 93 percent of such consumer make a purchase, if the desired item is found, of course. As you can see, it is very important to provide the ability to reach the store from mobile device. There are three major strategies for Mobile e-commerce in 2014: native apps, HTML5, CSS or JavaScript, and mobile web.

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The Best Android & iOS Apps for Magento

There are a lot of Android and iOS applications for Magento. Some of them are designed to work with products, the other help you to control your Magento orders. There are also complicated tools which provide almost full access to the Magento Admin. In this post you will find all of them. The list of the best Android and iOS apps designed to manage your Magento Store on your finger tips is ready and waiting for you.

magento android ios

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