"tier price import"

Magento 2 Advanced Pricing Import: Special Prices, Group Prices, Tier Prices & MAP

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 Advanced Pricing Import

Today, we are going to talk about the Magento 2 advanced pricing import. In this guide, we explain for types of advanced pricing in Magento 2: Special Price, Group Price, Tier Price, and MAP. You will find out how to get a sample Magento 2 advanced pricing CSV. Next, we describe attributes associated with advanced pricing in Magento 2. After that, you will learn how to import advanced pricing to Magento 2. We will explore two different use cases. Firstly, we will teach you how to import tier prices to Magento 2 as a separate entity via the default Magento 2 import. Next, you will master the Magento 2 advanced pricing import as a part of a product import procedure based on the Improved Import & Export extension.

Unfortunately, the default Magento 2 import tools only let you import products and advanced prices separately. It means that you need to upload one file with product data except for four types of advanced pricing provided via different spreadsheets. You must admit that it is not very convenient, especially when you move the entire catalog. To address this issue, we describe another procedure, involving the Improved Import and Export extension. With this tool, you can import both products and their advanced prices in a single file.

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