Store Audit | FireBear

"Store Audit"

Conducting Magento Store Audit

- E-Commerce

Magento website Audit

In case of brick-and-mortar retail, store audit is an ​examination of ​information ​about the ​effectiveness of ​different parameters such as price, sales, or advertising campaign compared to ​any competitors or common standards. As for ecommerce in general and Magento in particular, this process is more complicated, since it consists of a wider number of variables that require different approach to calculation. Luckily, there are a lot of tools and materials, that can help you with a Magento store audit. The following guide offers a store audit checklist,  resources, and techniques necessary for running the procedure. Being useful for all kinds of Magento specialists and store owners, it teaches how to estimate efforts, collect information about your Magento website, and keep the installation clean and healthy. Continue Reading