"Hide Product Price"

HIDE PRODUCT PRICE For Magento 2 By Hungersoft

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Magento 2 Hide Product Price Extension

One of our clients recently tossed us a challenge and asked us to help them develop a ‘private sale’ feature for their Magento 2 webshop. In this private sale, only logged-in customers belonging to a specific customer-group were invited and only they could purchase exclusive and discounted products. The client also wanted to use this private sale event to generate more interest in their exclusive products from guest visitors and other customers, so they wanted to display those exclusive products to all visitors to tempt them. After all, who would not want to be part of an exclusive club and get access to special products and prices?

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Magento 2 Hide Product Price by Commerce Extensions

- E-Commerce, Magento 2

Commerce Extensions Hide Product Price Magento 2 Extension Review

Hiding prices from non registered users can be a great motivation for customers to create an account on your ecommerce website. As a Magento 2 store owner, you will get more information about your buyers as well as well be able to sell more by providing registered shoppers with advances buying conditions. Besides, you will be able to hide such vital information as product prices from competitors. Although this feature is widely used among B2B merchants, the functionality is useful in case of B2C storefronts as well, and below we describe how to get it with the help of Magento 2 Hide Product Price For Non Registered Users by Commerce Extensions. Continue Reading